Thursday, 11 September 2014

Singapore Art Museum

Singapore Art Museum is located at 71 Bras Basah Road, Singapore 189555
Opening hours: 9am-7pm

Free admission every Friday from 6-9pm

 Pigeon with no fear of humans

It looks alike Getai loud and glittery clothing

 Sensorium 360°Contemporary Art and the Sensed World
31 July-22 October 2014
A must visit to go event, even I've went to SAM countless of time but it was my first time having so much fun in a museum

Group members for Singapore Art Scenes

 Medium At Large: Shape Shifting Material and Methods in Contemporary Art
25 April 2014 - April 2015

Realistic ice on boots

I love the frame works

The Cloud of Unknowing directed by Ho Tzu Nyen
2011, HD video projection

Getting comfy with Rain and Phoebe on a huge bean bag

Alen being outcasted but enjoying his own bean bag

Status by Jane Lee
2009, Mixed Media
The red paint has literally escaped from the conventional canvas to become its own frame

Cycle by Sopheap Pich
2004-2008, Rattan and wire

Majestic shadow being cast

Cycle is a sculpture made from a tradition rattan weaving techniques

BlueRay_B by Osang Gwon
BlueRay_B pushes this ambiguity to its limit by staging photography as the three dimensional reality sculpture

April 2008, Tokyo by Chua Chye Teck
2009, colour prints (set of twelve)
Inspired by the myriad pink shades of Sakura blooms in Japan 

Quiet Rooms by Nadiah Bamadhaj
2009, Charcoal on paper

Quiet Rooms tells the tale of a married couple difficulty in conceiving a child, an ordeal worsened by the relentless scrutiny and surveillance from neighbours in the kampung. His head engulfed by a nest of Medusa-liked snakes that also suggest the form of human sperm, the man is rendered impotent, even as the woman stares out defiantly at the pressures brought to bear by traditional society's expectations. The words "doa yaa"(you should pray) refer to the platitude uttered by well-meaning neighbours or doctors who can offer no real solutions.

In every piece of drawing, there are small pieces of artwork

Bookworm: NIV Compact Thinline Bible (page 403) by Renato Orara
2008, Ballpoint ink drawing on paper
Drawing of a lambchop with the weight of symbolism and metaphor, alluding to Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God.

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